What is the best travel insurance for the United States?

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Hiring a good travel insurance policy for the USA should be one of the essential steps in planning an adventure to Uncle Sam’s land, no matter what your itinerary is.

Although it is not a mandatory item for entry into the country, hiring a good travel insurance policy to the United States is of extreme importance, since the health care system in the United States is not accessible to everyone and any visit to the emergency room can easily turn into a bill of more than $5,000 dollars. Not to mention the extra expenses for medication. Doubt it!

Mauro, a friend of mine, traveled to Disney with his family, and during the trip, he had a terrible kidney colic crisis.

He was rushed to the hospital and spent the night there, receiving intravenous medication. The result: a $25,000 bill to pay. Can you imagine if this is you?

This is why I always say: are you going to visit Florida to shop in Miami, or to enjoy the parks in Orlando, or to go for a walk in New York, or to enjoy a road trip in California? Don’t be fooled and invest in good travel insurance!

In this post, I will give you all the tips on how to choose the best travel insurance for the United States.

travel insurance usa
travel insurance the USA

Let’s get started!

Why get travel insurance for the United States?

The first reason why you should contract travel insurance to the United States is the fact that the North American health system is one of the most expensive in the world.

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And unlike SUS, in Brazil, which was created to be public and universal, guaranteeing free treatment to all, the North American public health system serves only a slice of society, and even then it is not free.

According to a CNBC report, medical and hospital expenses were responsible for 2/3 of the bankruptcy filings in the United States.

More than 530,000 families went bankrupt in the last year thanks to medical bills.

Do you know how much a doctor’s appointment costs in the United States?! Not less than USD 300. If you need an emergency room, then be prepared.

The bill can be high.

A visit to the ER (Emergency Room) for a simple urinary tract infection can cost more than USD 700. And if you need some specific medicine, like an antibiotic, for example, you will have to go to the ER first, since these drugs are not sold at the pharmacy without a prescription.

It’s no joke!

Knowing all this, is it or isn’t it much better to invest about $10 a day in a good travel insurance policy and enjoy your vacation with peace of mind?

Besides covering all medical, hospital, and dental costs, a good travel insurance policy for the USA will also guarantee reimbursement for medical expenses, lost or damaged luggage, and even canceled or delayed flights.

The good news is that nowadays it is very easy to get travel insurance.

You can compare plans and hire the most cost-effective one for you, in a practical, fast, and online way, from the comfort of your home.

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Follow the tips in this post and find the best travel insurance for the USA!

How to choose the best travel insurance for the United States?

travel insurance usa
travel insurance usa

Now that you know what tool to use to find the best travel insurance or assistance to the United States, I will give you some essential tips to choose the best international travel insurance plan for you.

The United States does not require a minimum amount of travel insurance coverage, as is the case with many countries in Europe that are signatories to the Schengen Treaty.

Even so, the amount of coverage in a travel insurance policy to the United States is one of the most important things you should evaluate.

If you contract travel insurance with very low coverage, you may have to pay extra (not covered by the insurance), since the amounts charged for medical emergencies in the USA are very high, even for Americans themselves.

And there is no public health care system in the United States, huh? There is no way. Either you hire good travel insurance for the USA, or you will be unlucky! Imagine converting the bill into reality.

I don’t even like to think about it.

If you want my opinion, I would advise you to take out an international travel insurance policy with a minimum coverage of 35,000 dollars (about 30,000 euros), which is the minimum requirement for travel to Europe.