Life Insurance When You’re Young: Why it’s Important to Think About | 2022 Update

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Did you ever wonder about life insurance when you’re young?

Well, when we are young, we rarely think about the unexpected.

Life insurance can help protect you and your loved ones from such circumstances.

In this article, we’ll look at why life insurance is a good idea at a young age and how it can help you save money in the future.

What do insurance premiums depend on?

Insurance premiums depend on the age and health of the insured, which means it’s cheaper to take out an insurance policy when you’re young and healthy.

The main risk for the insurer is the death of the insured.

When an application for insurance is considered, a questionnaire or health declaration is filled out, on the basis of which underwriters decide to accept the insurance at standard rates, or form an offer on special terms (with a smaller amount of insurance coverage, with an increasing coefficient or refuse to accept the insurance for a particular risk at all).

The questionnaire serves insurers to limit the likelihood of occurrence of the risks you select.

The final cost of the policy will depend on the answers to the questionnaire.

Life insurance gets extra costly as you get older

Your prices will inevitably rise as you get older and move up in your career.

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Your budget will vary depending on where you live and your family situation.

Your insurance coverage and risk mix will also need to increase or change to meet your increased needs.

If you purchase an insurance policy when you are young, it will cost significantly less than if you had done so as an adult.

The main purpose of life insurance is to preserve your assets and those who depend on it.

It is necessary to make sure that every plane of life is insured.

Long-term life insurance includes coverage for a large number of risks and provides a larger payout.

Experts say that the amount of insurance coverage for the risk of death or disability should be 2 to 3 times your annual salary.

This amount should be enough for the insured and his family to cope with health emergencies.

Life Insurance When You’re Young: Maximum age for carrying out an insurance policy

A frequently asked question about life insurance among clients is: “Up to what age can I purchase an insurance policy?” Of course, there are limits, and an insurance policy can be taken out up to a certain age.

Each insurer determines its own limits.

As a rule, the maximum age of the insured for an insurance policy does not exceed 65-70 years.

At Sovcombank Life the age limit for obtaining an insurance policy is up to 74 years old.